One-off rewards can sometimes backfire, leaving employees wondering, “What’s next?” once it’s over. If you want them to stay focused and motivated, your R&R strategy needs to offer consistent engagement.
Continuous Rewards = Continuous Engagement. Implement “value-for-value” schemes where effort and reward are directly connected. Instead of saving everything for one grand event, spread out smaller, meaningful rewards. Using a staggered, in-app reward strategy keeps engagement high between larger incentives.
Gamification is a sure thing when it comes to keeping people engaged with your recognition efforts. Incorporating point systems, with leaderboards on your apps encourages healthy competition and transparency. Spot Prizes, where monthly opportunities for smaller wins, keep motivation steady while working towards a larger incentive.
Top B Tip: Consider the lifecycle of each reward: How long will it keep employees motivated? Plan for a continuous strategy that drip-feeds the dopamine and prevents post-incentive blues.