New year, fresh perspective, right? It’s time to rethink how we approach reward & recognition (R&R). The one-size-fits-all solutions of the past no longer cut it. Engaging your workforce year-round is now essential for promoting loyalty, advocacy, and driving results. Working closely with Debs Crosswell, Top Banana’s Client Relationship Director and SITE GB’s new President, we looked at how the MICE industry is broadening its horizons...



Setting the tone early is the first (and right) foot forward.

It’s all about kicking the year off on a high-energy, motivational note and making your strategy crystal clear from the get-go: from the energising kick-off to launching an incentive experience, crafting eye-catching creative comms or unveiling a shiny reward platform can drive motivation set the pace for the year.

How are you going to weave together your engagement strategy to cover all business functions and lifecycles?

  • Long-Term Strategy giving Short-Term the Boot: Quick fixes and one-hit wonders aren’t packing the same punch during incentive periods anymore. Any brand can send their employees away for a week, it’s thinking about the journey every step of the way, dealing with dips, and making the motivation last. All the good stuff that builds solid foundations for your programmes to turn to legacy experiences.
  • Destinations with a Difference: Move beyond the usual sun-and-sand getaways. Hidden gems and unique locations aligned with current social trends and generational preferences make a bigger impact. Here’s the thing... You can explore the word by unlocking your phone nowadays, with TikTok influencers offering up POV experiences. So, it’s all about keeping your finger on the pulse and education through DMC relationships, that give you the edge with experiences.
  • Short but Sweet: Impactful experiences don’t have to be weeklong. A couple of well-planned days or tangible gifts as part of your overall incentive strategy throughout the year can pack a punch.


Once-in-a-lifetime trips shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all scenario. People value choice, and providing personalised options ensures everyone feels included. Offer options when it comes to destination choice – the more you include people in your reward strategy, they more invested they’ll be!

Here’s how to mix it up:

  • Inclusivity FTW: Offer rewards that work for introverts, extroverts, and everyone in between. Apps that let people choose their own experiences are game changers. It’s worth considering down-time into rewards, whether it be during an incentive trip or the opportunity to win a half day through hard work.
  • Equal Opportunities: Think spot prizes and goals tailored to different roles. Whether someone’s part-time or full-time, everyone should feel like they’re in with a chance to win big.
  • Flexibility > Forced Fun: For some, a whole company trip, with a packed agenda, may feel like an obligation rather than a reward. When opting for an inventive trip, bi-leisure (otherwise coined “bleisure”) agendas offer a two-pronged approach, leaving everyone feeling comfortable and fulfilled with their trips.


One-off rewards can sometimes backfire, leaving employees wondering, “What’s next?” once it’s over. If you want them to stay focused and motivated, your R&R strategy needs to offer consistent engagement.

Continuous Rewards = Continuous Engagement. Implement “value-for-value” schemes where effort and reward are directly connected. Instead of saving everything for one grand event, spread out smaller, meaningful rewards. Using a staggered, in-app reward strategy keeps engagement high between larger incentives.

Gamification is a sure thing when it comes to keeping people engaged with your recognition efforts. Incorporating point systems, with leaderboards on your apps encourages healthy competition and transparency. Spot Prizes, where monthly opportunities for smaller wins, keep motivation steady while working towards a larger incentive.

Top B Tip: Consider the lifecycle of each reward: How long will it keep employees motivated? Plan for a continuous strategy that drip-feeds the dopamine and prevents post-incentive blues.



Here’s a curveball: sometimes the emotional high of a trip sometimes gets tied to the destination instead of your brand. Oops. A central hub or app for your R&R strategy can serve as a tangible reminder of where the reward originated.

Oh, and the other thing that’s so good about R&R platforms? You get all the juicy engagement reports at the tip of your fingers! Gone are the days of gauging how people are feeling by scanning the office and “sensing the vibes”, recognition platforms are a game-changer for sharing monthly engagement scores, reward redemption and comparing departmental feedback scores: it’s ROI reporting heaven!

R&R strategies must evolve – and so must the platforms. Just because something worked once, it doesn’t mean it will have the same impact again. To keep your employees motivated, look beyond past successes and think outside the box to create FOMO and excitement for each new initiative. Whilst you’re at it, don’t just set your sights on this year, think about how you can be T-ing up your content for engaging years to come. Think video highlights, the FOMO factor, long term legacy, – all the good stuff that’ll have your team with a clear vision of securing the next reward!


The future of R&R isn’t about generic, “blueprint” solutions. It’s about crafting personalised, meaningful experiences that connect with everyone on your team. By offering inclusive flexibility, keeping engagement consistent, and always planning “what’s next,” you’ll keep your workforce loyal, motivated, and ready to smash their goals in 2025 and beyond.